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About Us

Gastro Clinics

Our Specialty

Dr Chandra Puli FRCP Edin, MRCP Gastro UK, MRCP, MBBS is a UK trained Gastroenterologist with over 18 years of UK experience in treating patients  including working at prestigious centres like John Radcliffe, Oxford University and  Addenbrrokes Hospital, Cambridge University hospital. 

During his clinical experience in these prestigious Universities, Dr Chandra Puli has published some of the revolutionary innovation papers into the prestigious journals like Circulation Journal and also laid the use of his work into the European Society Guidelines.

His medical passion has been so immense which made him travel to various Advanced Endoscopic procedure trainings  outside UK, including USA and Advanced Intensive Endoscopic Fellowship like training at Montreal University, Canada.

He treats patients with great respect and believes each patient needs are different and this has been reflected on the feedback called www.iwantgreatcare.org

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Our Clinic is a Cutting-Edge Medical Services focused on delivering tailored treatment plans that combines Evidence Based Medicine.

Research Paper

Wrote a research paper on Academia.

Dr. Chandra Puli

Oxford, UK

Wrote a research paper on Academia.

Conscious sedation for transoesophagealechocardiography (TOE): Impact on procedure and patientof titrated low dose sedation.

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